Introduction to xnfun (Cross Node Function)
is designed around the abstraction of node. Consider a node as the container of a group of functions, it manages local & remote function execution states; and nodes are inter-connected through transports.
Checkout the source code at lotuc/xnfun and view api documentation at xnfun.
We will go through two kinds of functions supported the rest of this article.
- Unary RPC
- Bidirectional RPC
Unary RPC
At present, we only implemented the MQTT transport. So take it as an example.
First, start a MQTT broker.
cat > mosquitto.conf <<EOF
allow_anonymous true
listener 1883
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf \
-p 1883:1883 eclipse-mosquitto
# Now you've started a broker at 1883 which can be connected anonymously.
Next start a Clojure repl which loads the dependency.
cat > deps.edn <<EOF
{:deps {lotuc.xnfun/xnfun {:git/sha "1d0b91d316260bce3bd5cc04504421b9c48eac3a"
:git/url ""}}}
From the repl, we start two xnfun
nodes and register some functions to each.
(require '[lotuc.xnfun.api :refer [start-node add-function call]])
(def n0 (start-node {:transport
{:xnfun/module 'xnfun.mqtt
:mqtt-topic-prefix ""
{:broker "tcp://"
:connect-options {:max-in-flight 1000
:auto-reconnect true}}}}))
;; Actually, the mqtt at is the default transport.
;; We start another node directly.
(def n1 (start-node {}))
;; Register function "add" to n0
(add-function n0 "add" (fn [[a b]] (+ a b)))
;; Register function "sub" to n1
(add-function n1 "sub" (fn [[a b]] (- a b)))
Since node n0
and n1
are connected to the same MQTT transport, the two nodes are actually inter-connected. You can call to each other.
@(call n0 "sub" [4 2])
@(call n1 "add" [4 2])
;; and sure you can call to the function registered to the node itself
@(call n0 "add" [4 2])
@(call n1 "sub" [4 2])
Bidirectional RPC
This mode is like the gRPC Bidirectional streaming RPC.
Create a function that supports bidirectional call, now the function got a second argument, you can retieve two channels in-c
and out-c
. From in-c
you can listen for caller
’s message, and via out-c
you can send message to caller. Check lotuc.xnfun.api/add-function for details.
(require '[clojure.core.async :refer [<! go-loop put!]])
(defn echo-server
[arg {:keys [in-c out-c]
{:as req-meta :keys [req-id hb-interval-ms]} :req-meta}]
(let [p (promise)]
;; Keep the heartbeat.
(future (loop []
(put! out-c {:typ :xnfun/hb})
(when (= :timeout (deref p hb-interval-ms :timeout))
(go-loop []
(when-let [{:keys [typ data] :as d} (<! in-c)]
(case typ
(deliver p :cancel) ; quit
(do (put! out-c {:typ :xnfun/to-caller :data data})
(deliver p {:unkown d}))))
Register the function to node, say n1
(add-function n1 "echo-server" echo-server)
Now, try call it from node n0
(require '[lotuc.xnfun.api :refer [call-function]])
(def r (call-function n0 "echo-server" "hello world"
{:req-meta {:timeout-ms 3600000
:hb-interval-ms 3000
:hb-lost-ratio 2}}))
;; retrieve channels from the response
(def in-c (get-in r [:request :in-c]))
(def out-c (get-in r [:request :out-c]))
;; Get the promise waiting for function call result
(def resp (:res-promise r))
;; Setup a go-loop waiting for echo response
(go-loop [{:as v :keys [typ data]} (<! out-c)]
(if v (do (when (= typ :xnfun/to-caller)
(println "!!!" data))
(recur (<! out-c)))
(println "quit")))
;; Send message to callee
(put! in-c {:typ :xnfun/to-callee :data "hi!"})
;; Stop the function
(put! in-c {:typ :xnfun/cancel :data nil})
;; And check the function call result